Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Updated Allotment Regulations – Engagement/Consultation

  • Responsible Officer:

    Stephen Egan – Team Leader Streetscene Technical

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. This Technical Note has been written to update Elected Members on the planned engagement around an updated set of rules and regulations for Allotments within East Dunbartonshire.  

  2. Elected Members will recall a previous Technical Note in June 23 (Appendix 1 below) which provided an update on the new methodology associated with the Allotment Waiting List. This Technical Note provides additional detail specifically around consultation in advance of a proposed Committee report in early 2025. 

  3. East Dunbartonshire currently has a single allotment location at Rosebank in Kirkintilloch. An allotment site is currently under construction at Etive Park in Bishopbriggs and this site should be complete during this calendar year. An additional allotment site is also planned for Craigfoot in Milton of Campsie. It is anticipated that amended plans for this site will go forward for planning determination later this year or early next.

  4. As part of the Council’s duties under the Community Empowerment Act there is a requirement to have approved Allotment Rules and Regulations in place. The draft regulations drawn up are based on good practice across a range of Scotland’s Local Authorities and include a new matrix which determines an individual’s position on the Allotment waiting list. This is calculated on a combination of time on the waiting list together with proximity to the nearest allotment site.

  5.  All existing allotment holders and everyone on the waiting list will be contacted directly by letter to seek their feedback on the draft regulations and new waiting list matrix. This feedback will be used to inform an updated set of regulations prior to them being presented to Committee.

  6. The targeted engagement, which will consist of a questionnaire, will commence in late September and will give respondents four weeks to return comments for analysis. 

  7.  A report will then be presented to the PNCA Committee for approval by Elected Members in January 2025 - these incorporating details from the outcome of the consultation and the impact on the final set of regulations presented for approval.

  8. If Elected Members require additional information, please contact Stephen Egan Team Leader Streetscene Technical directly at the email address: