Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Ann Davie, Chief Executive

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project – Project update

  • Responsible Officer:

    Heather Holland, Chief Planning Officer Executive Officer - Land Planning & Development

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Elected Members with further updates on the Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project (‘the Project’).  This follows recent updates in Technical Notes No. 145-24 of 16th August, 108-24 of 25th June and 096-24 of 7th June.
  2. The previous Technical Note provided on 16th August 2024 (No.145-24) advised of the full closures of sections of the roundabout required to undertake the resurfacing works and the Traffic Management (TM), which includes diversions required to enable the resurfacing phase and completion of the project to be applied between 1st September 2024 and 23rd September 2024.
  1. As part of the above works, a prohibition of right turn movements at the junction of Coronation Way and Maryhill Road is to be put in place between 00.01 hours on Monday 9th September 2024 until 18.00 hours on Monday 23rd September 2024. This includes the
  • Right turn manoeuvre from the southeast bound carriageway of the A81 Maryhill Road onto Coronation Way – Alternative diversion route by way of the southeast bound carriageway of Maryhill Road, the roundabout at the Science Park, and northwest bound carriageway of the A81 Maryhill Road, and this route will be sign posted; and the
  • Right turn manoeuvre from Coronation Way onto the southeastbound carriageway of the A81 Maryhill Road – Alternative diversion route by way of the northwest bound carriageway of A81 Maryhill Road, northbound carriageways of Milngavie Road and Main Street, Milngavie, Burnbrae Roundabout, Main Street (Southbound), the A81 Milngavie Road (Southbound), and the A81 Maryhill Road (Southeastbound), and this route will be sign posted.
  1. The diversion must be set to take users from one side of the closure point to the other and aims to keep drivers on the same class of road.  It is recognised that some drivers familiar with the area, wanting to turn right out of Coronation Way may use Kessington Road and Rannoch Drive, if they can’t turn around at the mini roundabout on MacFarlane Road.
  2. Advance warning notifications signs have been erected on street prior to the start of the works.

Next steps

  1. Officers will continue to provide updates via Technical Notes and will highlight if any further extension or alterations to the traffic management is required to support the delivery of the Project.   
  2. The Project webpage will continue to be updated to provide further details on work progress and tassociated traffic management.  This Technical Note will be uploaded to the Project webpage.