Important announcement

  • Report by:

    Jamie Robertson, Chief Finance Officer

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Mobile Phone Contract

  • Responsible Officer:

    Steven Wright, Business & ICT Support Services Manager

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Members on the transition to a new mobile phone contract.
  2. The Council’s mobile phone contract is changing on Tuesday 27 August. All Council mobile phones will transition to the new contract on this day.
  3. During the transition period Elected Members will be able to use their phones for calls and text messages, however, mobile data will be unavailable until the transition is complete. Elected Members will be able to access data via a Wi-Fi connection.
  4. During the transition period Elected Members will receive text messages notifying of changes to the services as old tariffs are removed and new tariffs are added. There is no need to take any action on these messages.
  5. ICT anticipate that the service interruption will be minimal, however, Vodafone have advised that any changes on their network can take up to 24 hours.
  6. Switching off the device for 10-15 minutes can help to push the updates through, however, if you are still experiencing issues on Wednesday 28 August please contact ICT.