• Report by:

    Karen M Donnelly, Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer

  • TN Number:


  • Subject:

    Committee Minutes

  • Responsible Officer:

    Karen M Donnelly, Chief Solicitor & Monitoring Officer

  • Publication:

    This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with approved Committee Minutes. 

  2. Members will be aware that various governance meetings were cancelled following the unscheduled UK Parliament General Election.  A meeting of Council has been convened for 21st August to deal with business that requires Members input.  One item of business will be a proposed diary of meetings.

  3. Meantime, officers have issued various Technical Notes to keep Members updated and to keep business moving.  
  4. The Minutes of the Council’s committees and boards are approved at the next meeting and then sent to Council for noting.  There are a number of these minutes which have been approved by the decision-making body but have not been submitted to Council for noting. 
  5. The Agenda for the Council meeting on 21st August is substantial.  Consequently, the minutes which have already been approved by the decision-making body are attached to this Technical Note for Members information.  This Technical Note will be included on the list of Technical Notes which appears on the Council Agenda which will provide Members with an opportunity to raise any matters arising.
  6.  Following approval of a diary of meetings at the Council meeting on 21st August, normal practice will resume, and minutes will be referred to Council for noting once they have been approved by the relevant decision-making body.


Note -     Minutes Attached in documents section

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Place Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee  25th January 2024 
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 East Dunbartonshire HSCP        18th January 2024    
