Important announcement


Provost Gillian Renwick and Depute Provost Colette McDiarmid have joined Kirkintilloch & District Soroptimists in celebrating their milestone anniversary this year.

In September, Depute Provost McDiarmid welcomed the soroptimists to a civic reception at William Patrick Library in Kirkintilloch and helped cut the fantastic cake!

On Sunday 6 October, Provost Gillian Renwick spoke at the soroptimist’s anniversary afternoon tea at the Broadcroft Hotel in Kirkintilloch.

Provost Renwick said

Since 1974 the Kirkintilloch & District Soroptimists have been supporting women and girls close to home and all over the world, giving them voice and opportunities

from providing household essentials to local women fleeing domestic violence to campaigning against global sexual exploitation. It was an honour and a pleasure for both the Depute Provost and I to join our local soroptimists in their celebrations and to thank them for combing their skills and strengths to help lift up and support women and girls everywhere.

 Provost Gillian Renwick with soroptimist
Provost Gillian Renwick with soroptimist
Depute Provost Colette McDiarmid and Soroptimist standing behind a table covered in baked goods and cutting a decorated cake.
Depute Provost Colette McDiarmid and Soroptimist standing behind a table covered in baked goods and cutting a decorated cake.