Official Opening of Milngavie Heritage Centre Group’s Spring Exhibition
This weekend saw the official opening of the Milngavie Heritage Centre Group’s Spring Exhibition by Provost Gillian Renwick.
Fittingly, as it is Local History Month, the exhibition is entitled ‘‘The Milngavie Connection – Who’s Who’ and looks at the noted personalities whose life stories have helped shape Milngavie’s history. It centres around well-known characters like George Bennie, Margaret Cunnison, Tom Johnston, Helen Lillie, Anna Moffat, James Watt, Flora Wood and John Woodburn.
Provost Renwick said,
This is an excellent display, shining a light on some of our brightest stars who have lived here,
Exhibition ends 4 May
changed the political landscape, written about the area, captured its beauty through art, sung of its special qualities and others who have had a significant impact on industry at home and abroad. It is well worth a visit.”
The exhibition runs in Milngavie Library until Saturday 4 May 2024.