Technical Notes 2021, Issue 22 - Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project

Report by: 
Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets
TN Number: 
Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project
Responsible Officer: 
Isla Hamilton, Team Leader - Traffic and Transport, Land Planning and Development
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.


  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Elected Members with an update on the progress of the Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project (‘the project’) and to advise that a consultation exercise will be undertaken to help inform detailed design development. 
  1. The Traffic and Transport Team have been working to develop design proposals to improve Canniesburn Toll, Bearsden. The project will see the delivery of a long term commitment by the Council and the landowner consortium to improve the function of the round about following the implementation of the redevelopment of the Kilmardinny area. Action 36 in the approved Local Transport Strategy 2020-2025 also sets out the requirement to improve Canniesburn Toll for all road users and the surrounding environments for all modes of travel by:

  2. a) Improving the flow of traffic to reduce journey times and improve the connectivity of the area with potential associated benefits for economic development;

b) Improving the function of Canniesburn Toll for pedestrians and cyclists can make travelling by these modes safer in the immediate vicinity of this roundabout.

Option Development and Concept Design


  1. Transport engineer consultants have been procured to develop and test possible solutions.
  2. Installation of traffic signal infrastructure to control traffic movements will be required to allow pedestrians to cross safely at all key approach arms whilst traffic is stopped. The design will accommodate the needs of cyclists and help them to navigate around a busy, fast moving interchange.
  3. The designs also aim to remove the footway section that wraps around the central island (to discourage people from attempting to walk to and from the central island) and to improve the parking situation at the shops on the north side.
  4. There are known issues with localised flooding and a drainage scheme will be developed to prevent flooding and to provide a means of controlling the flow of surface water. Rainfall intensity is increasing, and prolonged heavy downpours in the future need to be accommodated to prevent further flooding incidents.
  5. An extensive data collection exercise was undertaken and options will be subject to traffic modelling to understand how they will impact on all road users, including traffic queueing & delay. The modelling takes account of future traffic growth to ensure any design is future-proofed to deal the level of traffic likely to be present on the road network.
  6. Any solution being taken forward must efficiently manage queues and flows (through improved signal technology in the immediate area) and will include:
  • Signalisation of each approach to the roundabout with pedestrian crossing provision (drop kerbs and tactile paving);
  • To ensure inclusive design, and in accordance with national and local policy and The Equality Act (2010), facilities for pedestrians and cyclists must be improved;
  • Parking provision for businesses on the Toll with a blue badge bay and provision for loading and servicing (bin collection);
  • Cycle parking outside the businesses on the Toll;
  • Surrounding bus stops will be retained and buses should benefit from more reliable journey times;
  • Measures to improve known issues with drainage incorporating Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS).
  1.  Following a number of internal workshops and technical considerations, three concept design options have been developed for the round-about which seek to deliver the improvements outlined above. These are provided in Appendix 1.
Consultation and Project Information
  1.  A dedicated project website has been set up to present the concept designs asking the community for general feedback on these. The website will launch on Thursday 6 May 2021 initially inviting Statutory Consultees, local businesses and community groups. The consultation will then be opened up to the wider community on Thursday 13 May 2021 for three weeks. The feedback will be collated and where relevant help inform a proposed final design solution. The website will be updated throughout the design process and construction phases, and is where the community can find out the latest updates on the project.
Funding and Costs
  1. The secured funding for the construction of the project is from the Land Equalisation Agreement between the Kilmardinny Land Owner Consortium.

The detailed cost of construction will be developed in tandem with the detailed design process.



  1. It is anticipated that detailed design works will begin in June 2021 with final designs complete later in the summer. It is estimated the construction phase of this project will commence towards the end of 2021 and last for 12 weeks. Please note these timescales are indicative and are regularly reviewed in line with design development and the process to secure a main contractor. Further updates on the project design including timescales will be provided to Elected Members in follow up Technical Notes on the project.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications