Improving Local Outcomes - have your say

This consultation is now closed as of 21 July 2017.

The Community Planning Partnership has identified six themes for East Dunbartonshire where it would like to make improvements. We would like local people to be involved in planning and decision making under these themes.

We would like you to complete the survey below on the Outcomes we have identified from the data and information that is available for this area.  You will be asked to rate how important a set of priorities under each theme are to you. We also ask for and welcome your comments on how our Partners can address and measure improvements for the priorities.

The survey will run from Tuesday 13 June until Friday 21 July.

Complete survey

We appreciate your views and your time taken to provide them.  We will be providing updates about what we have done with your views on East Dunbartonshire Council’s website, in community venues and sent to local organisations and groups during summer and autumn 2017.

Want to get more involved?

There will be ongoing opportunities to discuss the priorities and how we achieve them in more detail.  You can request to  be sent more information about these in the survey.