Corporate parenting is a significant responsibility placed on local authorities and their planning partners to provide critical care and support to children, in need of protection.
These children are amongst the most vulnerable and require statutory interventions to safeguard their welfare.
The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 places a duty on councils to make sure that once a child is looked after, all elected members and officers of the council, as their corporate parents are concerned about that child as if s/he was their own.
National policy highlights the importance of meeting these duties:
- Safeguarding the child’s welfare is of paramount concern
- Promoting regular contact between the child and parent and other relevant people
- Taking into account the views of the child, parent and others
- Consideration of the child’s religion, race, and cultural and linguistic background
- Preparing the child for when he/she is no longer looked after.
The Corporate Parenting Policy provides further detail on how East Dunbartonshire Council and community planning partners fulfil their statutory responsibilities.