In general terms, community justice aims to deal with the causes of offending either before it happens (primary prevention) working with people who may be at risk or are involved (secondary prevention) or supporting those who have been through the justice system (tertiary prevention).
When we talk about community justice we mean all the individuals, agencies and services that work together to support, manage and supervise East Dunbartonshire residents who are on the cusp of coming into contact with or are in contact with the justice system.
Community Justice East Dunbartonshire (CJED) partnership consists of representation from:
- East Dunbartonshire Council
- East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership
- Police Scotland
- Scottish Prison Service
- Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
- Skills Development Scotland
- Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal
- Scottish Courts and Tribunal Service
- Families Outside
- Victim Support Scotland
- East Dunbartonshire Women’s Aid
- East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action
The East Dunbartonshire Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan (CJOIP) is the strategic document agreed by the CJED partnership for 2023- 26.
This CJOIP provides the high level framework and details the local outcomes /priorities and the specific actions to make improvements.
To detail what will be carried out by partners to achieve progress towards these outcomes and priorities a Community Justice Annual Deliver Plan has been developed by the partnership.
Through inclusion in the Safer and Stronger Together strategy the CJOIP and annual delivery plan feed into Local Outcome 4 of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP)
‘East Dunbartonshire is a safe place in which to live, work and visit.’