East Dunbartonshire HSCP
Communications and Participation and Engagement Strategy (2024-29)
We want your views on how East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) communicates and engages with residents, patients, carers, staff, communities and stakeholders.
East Dunbartonshire HSCP regularly communicates and engages with residents and people who are supported by us, or who work with us, so that they know more about our work and services. We also use communications to help engage with people when planning and delivering our health and social care services.
We’re keen for you to get involved by completing a short survey. This will help us to improve our communications, engagement and participation practices.
All responses will inform the review, refresh and update of the Communications and Participation and Engagement Strategy for 2024-29.
The survey is aimed at anyone who is an East Dunbartonshire resident, a patient, a service user, a carer or who is supported by our services. We also want to hear from employees and third/independent sector partners.
The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete and will be open until 31 March 2024.
If you have any questions or would like to request a printed copy of the survey (or an alternative format), please contact East Dunbartonshire HSCP by email – Anthony.Craig@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Thank you for sharing your views.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Why are you updating the Communications and Participation and Engagement Strategy?
- How will this strategy work for East Dunbartonshire HSCP stakeholders (carers, residents, service users and employees)?
- How will we consult with our residents, stakeholders and the people we serve on the draft strategy?
- Where can I find out more information?
Why are you updating the Communications and Participation and Engagement Strategy?
While there are many good examples of effective communication, engagement and partnership working across the East Dunbartonshire HSCP – and with our ‘communities’ – we want to build on what works well and to develop even more effective partnership working between the HSCP and our patients, service users, carers, their families, local communities and other stakeholders. Having the correct policies in place allows us to do this better. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic posed significant challenges regarding participation, engagement and consultation. Whilst we strived to communicate and engage with our stakeholders in new ways, we must also have robust and effective policies in place to communicate and protect people’s health, safety and welfare. |
Since 2015 the HSCP has been consulting and engaging with our residents, services users, carers, patients, staff and third/independent sector colleagues. We want to ensure the ways we do that are as effective as possible. All feedback is valued and will help us to create strategies which will assist us to better communicate and engage with all of our stakeholders. |
How will we consult with our residents, stakeholders and the people we serve on the draft strategy?
The HSCP has worked with employees and the Public, Service User and Carer (PSUC) group and has created a ‘consultation questionnaire’. This is being made available online, with paper copies and versions in different languages available on request. The survey is only six questions (with additional equalities questions) and has been designed to capture thoughts and views on the HSCP and our services. It also gives you the opportunity to find out more about the HSCP and the services we provide if you wish. The electronic questionnaire can be found here (external link opens in new window). |
Where can I find out more information?
For more details please contact Anthony Craig, East Dunbartonshire HSCP – Anthony.Craig@ggc.scot.nhs.uk |