Winter Connections fund - FAQs

Winter Connections is a network of local places and spaces where people can connect to others in their community this winter.

We know that people are facing a difficult winter ahead, and Winter Connections will co-ordinate and promote a programme of events and activities across East Dunbartonshire that everyone can access. Winter Connections are always open to all, in every neighbourhood and can guarantee a warm welcome.

We want to work with local groups and organisations who can host Winter Connections in their community. The Winter Connections Fund can provide small grants of up to £1,500 to organisations to help with the additional costs of making venues, activities and sessions open as part of the Winter Connections Programme.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to not for profit voluntary and community organisations that are constituted and have a bank account.

The Fund is not open to applications to support individuals.

What we will fund

The Fund can cover a range of project costs, such as equipment, food, energy costs, costs to rent a space for the activity, cleaning, and staffing costs to cover increased activity.

Examples of projects that can be funded include:

A new cooking project where ingredients are provided

  • Projects that bring people from different backgrounds together, such as different cultures or age groups
  • Tablet or device classes for older people
  • Lunch clubs
  • Crafting or ‘making’ activities
  • Classes with a focus on physical activity
  • Classes which provide and show how to install simple energy efficiency measures

We welcome applications from community venues as well as groups who run activities.

We can help to connect venues with groups who can offer activities and vice-versa, if this would be helpful.

Grant funding must be spent by the end of March 2024.

What your application should cover

Applications should describe the activity the organisation wants to host, how it meets the needs of the local community and how it meets the Winter Connections principles to make sure the programme is inclusive, safe, and stigma-free.

Projects and activities should be:

  • Open, and easy to access
  • Inclusive, welcoming, respectful, and safe
  • Able or willing to provide connections to other services and supports
  • Able to offer warm drinks/snacks/food along with activities, where possible
  • Display/make available appropriate leaflets issued by EDC and Community Planning Partners.

We want Winter Connections activities to be available in every community in East Dunbartonshire, at different times and for residents of all ages. This may affect the funding decisions that we make.

While we recognise that many organisations will be closed over the Christmas period, we welcome applications that will deliver activities during the festive period.

What cannot be funded?

Winter Connections will not fund:

  • Events to raise funds for other charities
  • Costs for activities that have already taken place

How to apply

Applications will be open from 2 October 2023, using an online application process. If you need a paper copy or any support to make an application, please get in touch.

Awards will be made from 12 October 2023, and the fund will remain open until the available funding has been used. We don’t know what the demand for this fund will be, so we advise that you apply as early as possible.


We will be in touch for a copy of your constitution, a recent bank statement and a copy of your accounts (or income/expenditure statement) if we don’t have a recent copy of these already on file. Please have these ready so applications can be processed promptly.

How much funding is available from the Winter Connections Fund?

Grants of up to a maximum of £1,500 are available, however as funding is limited, please do not apply for more than you will need for your project.

If you are co-ordinating a number of events in partnership with a range of local groups (for example as a bigger community venue), we can use some discretion to make larger awards. Please get in touch to discuss this.

How we will make decisions

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of officers from East Dunbartonshire Council, East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership and East Dunbartonshire Voluntary Action (EDVA) before a decision is made. We will assess and award applications on a ‘rolling’ basis until the funding has been spent.

We will get in touch with you to let you know if your application has been successful as soon as possible, and we may also get in touch for further information about your project before making a decision.

Conditions of grant

If you are successful in your application, you must accept and comply with East Dunbartonshire Council’s standard grant terms and conditions.

You will be asked to report back on the impact the project has had once the funds are spent.

Projects which receive funding from East Dunbartonshire Council will be promoted as part of the East Dunbartonshire Winter Connections programme. You will also be asked to make clear your project is part of the programme when promoting your project.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss the priorities, application process or alternative funding opportunities please contact Community Planning by email