Health and Social Care Complaints

What is a complaint?

East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership Board complaints relate to:

An expression of dissatisfaction, by one or more members of the public about the IJB Board’s action or lack of action, or about the standards of Service of the IJB has provided in fulfilling its responsibility as set out in the Integration Scheme.

 A complaint may relate to dissatisfaction with:

  • East Dunbartonshire HSCP Board policies;
  • East Dunbartonshire HSCP Board decisions; and
  • the administrative or decision-making processes undertaken by East Dunbartonshire HSCP Board in coming to a decision

Complaints regarding health and social care employees, direct health and/or social care service delivery or members of the HSCP Board are not covered by this Complaints Handling Procedure. These complaints are covered by East Dunbartonshire Council and NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Complaints Handling procedures.

A complaint is not:  (this list is not exhaustive)

  • a first time request made to EDHSCP;
  • a request for compensation only;
  • issues that are in court or have already been heard by a court or a tribunal;
  • disagreement with a decision where a statutory right of appeal exists; and
  • an attempt to reopen a previously concluded complaint or to have a complaint reconsidered where we have already given our final decision.

The HSCP Board will not treat these issues as complaints, but will instead direct the customer/complainant to the appropriate procedures.

Who can make a complaint

Anyone who is affected by the decisions made by the HSCP Board can make a complaint.  Sometimes a customer may be unable or reluctant to make a complaint on their own. Complaints brought by third parties will be accepted as long as the customer has given their personal consent.

Complaints involving the Health and Social Care Partnership Board or more than one organisation

A complaint may relate to a decision that has been made by the HSCP Board, as well as a service or activity directed by the HSCP Board to the constituent bodies (EDC and NHSGGC).  Initially, these complaints should all be handled in the same way.  They must be logged as a complaint, and the content of the complaint must be considered, to identify which services are involved, which parts of the complaint the HSCP Board can respond to and which parts are appropriate for others to respond to.  A decision must be taken as to who contributes and investigates each element of the complaint, and that all parties are clear about this decision.  The final response must be a joint response, taking into account the input of all those involved.

Where a complaint relates to a decision made jointly by the HSCP Board and the Health Board or Local Authority, the elements relating to the HSCP Board should be handled through this Complaints Handling Procedure. Where possible, working together with relevant partners, a single response addressing all of the points raised should be issued.

Should a member of staff who represents the HSCP Board receive a complaint in relation to HSCP Board business, and they have the relevant and appropriate information to resolve it, they should attempt to do so.  If the staff member feels unable to offer a response, the complaint should be passed to the HSCP Senior Management Team as early as possible to allow a response/resolution.   

If a customer makes a complaint to the HSCP Board about services of another agency or public service provider, but HSCP Board has no involvement in the issue, the complainant will be advised to contact the appropriate organisation directly.

If the HSCP Board needs to make enquiries to an outside agency in relation to a complaint, data protection legislation and SPSO guidance on handling customer’s personal information will always be taken into account.  The Information Commissioner has detailed guidance on data sharing and has issued a data sharing code of practice. Complaints related to the HSCP Board should be directed to mail box East Dunbartonshire HSCP Board Complaints.

How Do I Complain?

  • Write to East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership, Complaints Officer, 10 Saramago Street, Kirkintilloch G66 3BF
    Complaints Officer on 0141 232 8237
  • Email




Stage 1
(Frontline Resolution)

For straightforward and easily resolved issues.
Complaints dealt with at Stage 1 will be responded to within five working days

Stage 2 (Investigation)

For issues not resolved at front line or that are more complex. 
Complaints dealt with at Stage 2 will be acknowledged within three working days and responded to within 20 working days.  If we require more time to respond, we will let you know of the reasons for the delay and agree a revised time scale. 

Once you have received our final decision, if you feel that your issues have not been resolved, you can contact the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) and request that your complaint be reviewed. SPSO contact details will be provided with our final response to you.

Other complaints