Please use the following form to request the supply and/or removal of bins for your property. There is a charge of £52.00 for the grey domestic bin (only 1 bin per household). Once payment has been received, we will deliver your bin. Please note; we will cancel your request for a grey bin if payment has not been received within 4 weeks of your submission. Covid-19: During this demanding time and to ensure we continue to provide our front line bin collection services, delivery of bins and caddies will be disrupted. We would ask that you are patient while we work to get your items to you. Customer details Title Please selectDameDrLadyLordMissMrMrsMsMxRevSir First name * Last name * Address line 1 * Address line 2 Address line 3 Town * Postcode * Phone * Mobile Email Request details What do you require? * Please selectSupply of bin(s)Removal of bin(s)Supply and removal of bins What item(s) have to be supplied? Blue bin 140 litre - None -123456789 Brown bin 140 litre - None -123456789 Grey bin 240 litre - None -1 Green bin 240 litre - None -123456789 Kerbside caddy - None -123456789 Kitchen caddy - None -123456789 Please be aware that there is a charge of £52.00 for a replacement GREY bin (only). Our Customer Service team will contact you to arrange payment. What item(s) require removal? Blue bin 140 litre - None -123456789 Brown bin 140 litre - None -123456789 Grey bin 240 litre - None -123456789 Green bin 240 litre - None -123456789 Kerbside caddy - None -123456789 Kitchen caddy - None -123456789 Where will the items be? * Provide any other relevant information We will use your data to provide the following service: Waste Services. For full details of how we will use your data please visit the Waste Services Privacy Notice Submit