Technical Notes 2024, Issue 27 - Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project – Road Closures update

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project – Road Closures update
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Holland, Land Planning and Development – Executive Officer
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Elected Members with an update on the progress of the Canniesburn Toll Improvement Project (‘the project’).
  2. Work commenced onsite in summer 2023 on plans to improve Canniesburn Toll, Bearsden following the appointment of the principal contractor. The project will see the delivery of a long-term requirement that was included as a condition of a planning application, covering the Kilmardinny Masterplan in Bearsden, approved by a Scottish Government Reporter on appeal in 2010 (Appeal Ref: PPA/200/242 for application TP/ED/04/1279). Condition 2 required ‘A detailed specification and implementation programme, including phasing, for… 2(e)(iii) … ‘the replacement of the Canniesburn Toll roundabout with traffic signal control’.  This work was therefore deemed necessary by the Reporter as a result of Kilmardinny redevelopment.
  3. Work is being undertaken in phases in order to minimise the need for full road closures for the full length of the project and traffic management is in place to enable construction and maintain as much access through the roundabout as possible. Full road closures have been kept to a minimum within the Traffic Management programme, with lane closures in place on the majority of arms of the junction / phases of the project. At all times safety has been the paramount consideration whilst also aiming to achieve as much functionality and as little disruption as possible.
  4. The current phase which does require a part closure of Switchback Road, has been put in place to allow operatives to work in a safe manner. This closure was programmed to end on the 27th February 2024. 
  5. The Project programme is continually reviewed to assess its progress and the impacts of any unforeseen circumstances that may impact construction.  The Project has recently been advised by a utility provider, that a change is required to the approved construction methodology around a section of apparatus now that it is exposed.  Communications with the utility provider and work on the implications of this required change to the methodology have been ongoing this week with the project team to confirm and understand the implications.
  6. It should be noted that Council and the Project team, working with utility companies undertook full due diligence pre-construction in relation to utilities in the site.  This included both desktop and extensive radar surveys as well as a review of all utility provider records.  This apparatus was not shown on the utility companies’ records and the utility company was unaware of its own apparatus’s existence within the site until construction started and the utility was unearthed.  The Council undertook all available actions prior to the commencement of the project to minimise this risk.
  7. The required change to the construction methodology imposed by the utility company means that additional work requires to be undertaken around the utility apparatus which was not previously accounted for in the programme.  Therefore it is essential, to allow these works to take place in a safe manner, that the current traffic management measures remain in place until 11th March 2024.   
  8. The overall estimated project completion date of the project is Spring 2024, however this is being reviewed in light of this new utility provider requirement.  To date every effort has been made to undertake works as quickly as possible, whilst maintaining a level of access through the roundabout. Where possible, contractor resources are being maximised, and when necessary and appropriate working for periods on weekends will take place.
  9. The formal Traffic Management diversions were carefully considered and analysed by the Council and wider external project team prior to being agreed and implemented. The formal diversions have been kept to A-roads, the same standard as the roads which are closed which is good practice and also takes into account low bridges on the route and the considerations for HGVs.  It is recognised however, that drivers are using nearby residential streets as a short cut resulting in significant disruption to the surrounding area, in particular within the Garscube Estate.  Unfortunately, as these are public roads the Council is unable to prevent access to these streets to road users.
  10. Police Scotland agree there is no alternative route for the Traffic Management nor any changes that could be made by the Council at this time while sections of the main carriageway on and around the roundabout require to be closed due to construction.
  11. The Council and Police Scotland are continuing to liaise on the project and the concerns raised by local residents in relation to traffic volumes and driver behaviour.
  12. Police Scotland have deployed to the area and advise the issue is primarily during traditional rush hour.  Police Scotland are monitoring road users’ behaviour and advise they currently have no evidence of anyone breaking the law, but will continue to monitor.
  13. Police Scotland note they consider the issue to be more one of congestion impacting on residents both in terms of noise pollution and the ability to leave and enter properties by car.  Police Scotland have observed residents parking on the street / roadway (for which there are no restrictions in doing so) but advise this is adding to the congestion problems.  It is acknowledged however that the parking can result in some traffic calming out with peak times as a deterrent to speeding.
  14. Police Scotland will continue to provide sporadic deployment to the area, and have located a Police Scotland pop up traffic officer as a visual deterrent to speeding. Police Scotland will also monitor speeding by means of hand-held detection deployments.
  15. Police Scotland advise there is currently no other action that can be taken, as their deployments to date have revealed no criminality or enforcement open to Police Scotland.   

Next steps

  1. Officers are responding to complaints and enquiries in relation to the Project as received.  The Council will provide programme updates via the Project page on the EDC website as well as utilising social media. 
  2. With regards to communication, going forward technical questions in relation to the project within the roundabout will be directed to the Project Management consultant Doig+Smith.  A dedicated email address for general enquiries on the project will be set up by the end of the week.
  3. The project page on the Council website will be updated with key updates as the project progresses, including a link to this technical note.   Notification must also be made in the local paper as part of the extension of the closure order.