Technical Notes 2023, Issue 73 - New Allander Centre and ‘Assistance with Transport Policy’

Report by: 
Gerry Cornes, Chief Executive
TN Number: 
 New Allander Centre and ‘Assistance with Transport Policy’
Responsible Officer: 
Caroline Sinclair, Chief Officer / Chief Social Work Officer HSCP
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared out with the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with information regarding the application of the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Assistance with Transport Policy following the opening of the new Allander Centre for adults with learning disabilities.
  2. The HSCP Assistance with Transport Policy was approved in September 2019. The Policy has been applied from 2019 to 2023, however full implementation coincided with the Covid 19 Pandemic, during which most congregate services were closed as a consequence of emergency Public Health Scotland Guidance.  As services resumed restrictions remained in place for some time on the numbers of adults who could attend these services, and on limitations on shared transport. 
  1. Implementation of the Assistance with Transport Policy has been re-established on a case-by-case basis as services have resumed and has been subject to individual review.  Application of relevant changes as set out within the policy has also been reinstated as people have returned to services.
  2. The new Allander opened in March 2023 and has been very well received by those who use the centre and their carers.  Transport arrangements were altered to ensure that new shared transport and taxi provision was established and as seamless a transition as possible was achieved for all adults and their carers during the transition from Kelvinbank to the new Allander.
  3. Following the successful opening of the new centre it is intended that the transport needs and arrangements for those who attend the new Allander are reviewed to ensure that they continue to appropriately meet these needs, and that the Assistance with Transport Policy is consistently and fairly applied, including provisions for relevant charges.  
  1. Whilst for many there will be no alteration to existing arrangements or application of charges there will be some for whom there will be changes, including independent travel and mobility car use.  Where standard charges are applied these will remain fully means tested and subject to individual review in each instance. 
  2. It is anticipated that this process will be taken forward from mid May 2023 and completed by officers from the HSCP.
  1. A new Equality Impact Assessment has been completed and published in order to ensure that the Assistance with Transport Policy remains fully compliant with the Equality Act 2010.   
  2. Policies relating to Assistance with Transport are available on the HSCP website which can be accessed through the Council’s website.