Technical Notes 2023, Issue 60 - School Meals – Revised Menu

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
School Meals – Revised Menu
Responsible Officer: 
Wendy Anderson, Facilities Manager, Assets and Facilities
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update members on the intention to implement a revised school lunch menu from Monday 17th May 2023.

2. The current school lunch menu has been in place since August 2022 and runs over a three-week cycle.

3. A review of feedback collated following the recent catering consultation exercise has been considered and incorporated in the revised menu

4. Work is on-going to identify opportunities to include further popular choices collated from the consultation feedback, which will inform future menu planning.

5. The revised menu will continue to operate over a three-week cycle and will feature some additional meal options to include a gluten free option and carbohydrate content.  It is recognised this information is required to assist pupils and parents who may require specific dietary information.

6. The revised menu will also highlight selected days when “meat free” dishes and locally sourced produce are available.

7. A nutritional analysis has been carried out and the revised menu meets all nutritional standards and complies with the criteria associated with the Soil Association, Food for Life Served Here, Bronze Award.

8. A report on the uptake of school meals will be presented to Committee in due course.  This report will include the findings of the recent consultation exercise regarding school meals.