Technical Notes 2023, Issue 53 - Food Waste – “Right Bin? Put it in” Phase 2

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Food Waste – “Right Bin? Put it in” Phase 2
Responsible Officer: 
Alistair Watson, Communications Adviser – Communications and Engagement
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. A recent waste compositional analysis, carried out by Alfred Knight on behalf of the Council in November 2022, revealed that over 30 per cent of the items being put into grey residual bins across East Dunbartonshire is made up of food waste.
  2. Recycling rates in East Dunbartonshire have traditionally been good, but the amount of people using the food waste service has dropped off in recent years following a brief suspension of the service in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  3. Building on last year’s successful “Right Bin? Put it in” campaign that focused on the new range of plastics recycling available to residents and resulted in a 25.78 tonne increase of plastics recycling, a new local advertising campaign has been arranged. It is hoped the campaign will encourage more residents to use the weekly food recycling service and to attract back those who previously utilised it.
  4. This campaign will use fresh artwork carrying the “Right Bin? Put it in” message, and will aim to educate residents as to the environmental benefits of food waste recycling and help them understand what can go in the food caddy. It will also encourage residents to continue to achieve high rates of recycling with positive messaging that makes people want to get involved.
  5. The campaign will involve the use of online and outdoor advertising at train stations and bus stops across the area, as well as the use of branded messages on the side of our Food Waste fleet vehicles. An example of the posters that will be displayed is attached below.
  6. Additionally, the campaign will promote the availability of food waste and kitchen caddies, as well as bin liners, to residents.

Donut let your food go to waste,  Food waste causes just as much damage to our planet as plastic waste

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members Corporate Management Team Executive Officers HSCP Management Team Corporate Communications