Technical Notes 2023, Issue 180 - Traffic-Free Schools – Project Update October 2023

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Traffic-Free Schools – Project Update October 2023
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Holland – Executive Officer – Land Planning & Development Christopher McGeough, Sustainable Transport Officer, Traffic & Transport, Land Planning & Development
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with an update on progress being made to implement the Council’s Traffic-Free Schools pilot project. 
  2. Within the Parking Management Plan, the Council committed to piloting a Traffic-Free Schools project (PNCA/039/22/AL).  This is where sections of road immediately outside the entrance to schools are subject to prohibition of driving restrictions for a short time, at the start and end of the school day.  Specifically, between 08.30am - 09.15am and 14.30pm - 15.15pm.
  3. The aims of the project are to improve road safety for all children and adults accessing the school, while at the same time, making the areas more attractive for journeys to be made by walking, wheeling and cycling.
  4. In May 2023, the Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets (PNCA) Committee instructed officers to undertake the pilot project at four schools and to prepare the necessary Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) (PNCA/047/23/IH).
  5. The selected schools are:
  • Clober Primary School, Milngavie
  • Craighead Primary School, Milton of Campsie
  • St. Matthew’s Primary School and Wester Cleddens Primary School, Bishopbriggs
  1. Officers within the Traffic and Transport team have been working closely with colleagues across the Council, including Legal Services and Education in preparation for implementing the project.
  2. A significant volume of work has been put in place to allow this project to be as successful as possible including progression of the ETRO, consultation with school senior management teams, consultation with Police Scotland, conducting a qualitative survey with parents/carers, staff and local residents, undertaking baseline traffic and parking counts, preparation of the permit scheme, preparing a range of awareness raising materials and activities, and working with schools on supporting projects such as increased cycle parking.
  3. It was intended that the project would be in operation for the entire 2023/2024 academic year, therefore starting on 16 August when pupils return to school, following the summer holiday period. 
  4. However, it was considered appropriate by officers to delay the start of the project to allow further discussion and engagement with key stakeholders including school staff and trade unions, which was only possible following their return to work after the summer holiday period. 
  5. This engagement has been carried out in recent weeks and following the positive discussions which have been held, the Council is now in a position to progress the project and fully implement the pilot at the agreed locations.
  6. It is anticipated that the pilot project will begin on 20 November 2023.  In order to allow a suitable period for the project to bed in and its effectiveness to be properly monitored, the project will run until the Christmas break during the 2024/2025 academic year (20 December 2024).
  7. Officers in Traffic & Transport, in partnership with Services across the Council, will now complete the final tasks required to be carried out to ensure the project can begin on 20 November. These tasks include the statutory processes of the ETRO, distributing permits to all who are eligible, and delivering an extensive awareness raising programme intended to inform those who will be affected by the project of the new start date. Groups who will be informed include, school staff, parents, carers, pupils, neighbouring residents and businesses, local communities and Police Scotland, who have already committed support to the project.
  8. Updates will continue to be provided and can be read on Council’s traffic free school webpage.  
  9. Once the project has started, Members will be kept informed of progress via Technical Notes, HGIOS updates and a subsequent report to the Place Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets Committee at an appropriate time, once monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the project at each location has been completed.