Technical Notes 2022, Issue 92 - Mugdock Country Park 2021/22 – Draft Unaudited Accounts

Report by: 
Jamie Robertson, Chief Finance Officer
TN Number: 
Mugdock Country Park 2021/22 – Draft Unaudited Accounts
Responsible Officer: 
Gail Morrison, Principal Accountant
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to advise Members of the Draft Unaudited Accounts for 2021/22.
  2. This report will now be sent to Audit Scotland.
  3. Officers continue to be aware of their requirement to deliver a balanced budget and have followed established procedures to achieve this position and ensure that Park activities are within set budgets. 
Distribution List: 
All Members of Mugdock Park Committee, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officer – Roads & Environment, Mugdock Park Manager, Audit Scotland, Corporate Communications