Technical Notes 2022, Issue 46 - Inconsiderate parking and poor driver behaviour around St Helens PS, Bishopbriggs Academy and Thomas Muir PS

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Inconsiderate parking and poor driver behaviour around St Helens PS, Bishopbriggs Academy and Thomas Muir PS
Heather Holland, Executive Officer, Land Planning & Development
  1. As Members may be aware, there has been long standing concerns regarding inconsiderate parking and poor driver behaviour around St Helens PS, Bishopbriggs Academy and Thomas Muir PS. 
  2. There have been various actions taken by officers including reviewing TROs and working with schools to remind parents and guardians on their responsibilities.
  3. Part of this work has included joint patrols with colleagues in Police Scotland and the Council’s Community Wardens as well as an on-site meeting with senior officers from both organisations with local residents from the Palmer Court development.  As part of this work a number of options and actions were discussed and investigated.  The purpose of this technical note is to confirm the outcome of this work.
  4. There are no further appropriate restrictions, which can be promoted within the Palmer Court development which would prevent drop off and pick up activity taking place.
  5. The development of additional parking or drop off facilities in the vicinity will not be progressed.  Such proposals are not in line with the approved Local Transport Strategy nor climate change commitments nor is there a budget to do so.
  6. Residents are aware of their rights to be able to install folding parking barriers to their own private spaces.
  7. The Council does not have any formal arrangement with St Dominic’s Church to use their carpark and as such would not be able to promote this as an option.
  8. Officers continue to work closely with colleagues in Police Scotland and will commence a further joint communications and awareness campaign in the area over the coming weeks with officers present in the area from both organisations who will work closely with the 3 Head Teachers.
  9. The lines and signs on Ochil Road and Thrums Avenue were in place following the implementation of a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO). This TTRO expired on 24 December 2021. The Council is in the process of attempting to make these restrictions permanent through a TRO (with slightly amended times). The Council is following statutory processes to implement this order and as such the area is not currently enforceable due to an objection being made by a local resident. The Council will continue to follow the statutory process with the intention of raising a permanent TRO in this area.
  10. Future action will be focused on empowering pupils, parents, guardians and teachers to travel actively, safely and confidently to school.  This includes the work of the two iBike officers that work within schools and delivering safe and accessible walking and cycling connections as well as other projects to facilitate behaviour change. 
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Elected Members - Bishopbriggs North and Campsie Torrance Elected Members - Bishopbriggs South Corporate Management Team Executive Officers Corporate Communications