Technical Notes 2022, Issue 37 - Business Improvement Districts Update

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Business Improvement Districts Update
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Holland, Executive Officer – Land Planning & Development, 0141 578 8524
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members on work related to Business Improvement Districts (BID) in East Dunbartonshire.
  2. The Milngavie BID has been in operation since 2014. It has reached the mid-way point of its second five-year term following a successful reballot in 2019.
  3. The Milngavie BID have carried out a review of what has been undertaken against the commitments of their 5 year Business Plan. This review has included a specific Milngavie BID Board meeting to review the progress and a levy payer consultation. A progress report has also been prepared which explains what has been undertaken in the first half of the term and what is expected for the latter half of the term (Appendix 1).
  4. The progress report provides updates on a number of areas of Milngavie BID activity, which include: delivery within the context of COVID-19; financial and budget summaries; progress against Business Plan themes and actions; and results of levy payer surveys.
  5. The survey work undertaken with levy payers shows there is a high level of satisfaction with the Milngavie BID and progress of various projects and events.

Projects delivered in this period range from general maintenance; shop front improvements; digital trading and online platforms; town centre promotional activity; various events; preparation of a public realm strategy for the town centre; and major investment in the precinct to create a gathering and seating area designed to celebrate the West Highland Way and local attractions. The most recent works complement works already completed by the Milngavie BID in its first term at the West Highland Way start/finish. The physical works to the precinct have made a significant improvement to the public realm and overall environment in the town centre.

  1. Officer observations are the progress report provides an accurate description of the progress made by the Milngavie BID and its achievements over the last 2.5 years.  The Milngavie BID has now established itself as a well performing BID, which is highly effective in delivering a range of initiatives to support town centre businesses, town centre improvements and resilience. Much of what has been delivered in this period has been done so through very challenging circumstances due to COVID-19.  
  2. In addition to this the Milngavie BID are also finalising a wider public realm plan for the town centre – the ‘Milngavie Public Realm Strategy’.
  3. As a commitment in the 5 year Business Plan, the Milngavie BID procured architects Page & Park who undertook an exercise over 2021.  This involved developing a range of concept projects around the town centre aimed at improving public realm, connectivity and access that can, over time, be explored and developed in more detail. To arrive at these proposals the Milngavie BID engaged with other community groups, businesses and members of the public.
  4. The Milngavie Public Realm Strategy is available on the Milngavie BID website. This piece of work, undertaken by the Milngavie BID, not only delivers on commitments made in the Business Plan, but it also supports aims and objectives contained within the Council’s Milngavie Town Centre Strategy (2018). It provides a framework from which projects can come forward when funding is available, delivered by not only the Milngavie BID but other local interest groups/organisations and the Council.
  5. Regular liaison with Council officers continues on a range of town centre matters and attendance at monthly Milngavie BID Board meetings.
  6. The need for business led activity and a vehicle such as a BID for Kirkintilloch town centre was identified in the Kirkintilloch Town Centre Masterplan (approved 2013) and more recently through community led consultation by the Kirkintilloch Community Council (2018). Since then a Kirkintilloch BID Steering Group has formed and has received grant support from both Scottish Towns Partnerships and the Council to develop a business plan and undertake a ballot in the town centre. This support was secured in 2019 and there has been a large delay in progress largely due to COVID-19.  

It is understood the Steering Group are now targeting a ballot at the end of summer/ early autumn 2022.

  1. To deliver a ballot a range of work must be undertaken in advance by the Kirkintilloch BID Steering Group. This includes identifying a proposed BID boundary; undertaking a range of consultation with local businesses and other relevant stakeholders; and the preparation of a business plan. Officers from the Regeneration & Town Centres Team are working with the Steering Group to receive updates on the project and provide support. Local authorities also provide support in the administration of the ballot.
  2. Further updates will be provided to Elected as the Kirkintilloch project progresses.
  3. Any specific questions on the Technical Note, the accompanying documentation or BIDs generally should be directed to David Gear – Place & Business Development Manager (
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications