Technical Notes 2022, Issue 182 - A803 Corridor Improvements Project and City Deal delivery

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
A803 Corridor Improvements Project and City Deal delivery
Responsible Officer: 
David Gear, Place & Business Development Manager
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared out with the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members on work associated with the A803 Corridor Improvements project that is underway as part of the Council’s City Deal Programme.  
  2. In summer 2022 Officers procured specialist design consultants to undertake the initial design stage (Feasibility Assessment) of the A803 Corridor Improvements project element, as part of East Dunbartonshire’s programme of City Deal projects.  The aim of the project is to improve sustainable travel opportunities along the corridor between Bishopbriggs and Glasgow and is being delivered in partnership with Glasgow City Council (GCC) and Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT).
  3. The consultants have undertaken a range of analysis of the route, and held two stakeholder engagement workshops, attended by Officers from EDC, GCC and SPT.  This analysis has enabled them to understand the constraints and opportunities along the corridor. 
  4. The analysis and early engagement work will be supplemented through a public consultation exercise due to start this week, which will include opportunities for the public to be informed of the project and feed into the early stages of the process.  The intention is to gather information from the public on how they currently use the corridor, and what improvements they would like to see. 
  5. The public consultation period will last two weeks and will include a drop-in session to be held in Bishopbriggs on Tuesday 15th November, online surveys and materials being displayed within council buildings (Bishopbriggs and Springburn Libraries and The Leisuredrome, Bishopbriggs) where hard-copy surveys will also be available to be completed by the public.
  6. This consultation will help inform the design process in confirming the existing problems and opportunities, and help to set the transport planning objectives to inform the design process.  
  7. The public consultation will be launched this week through a period of promotion over social media and the Council website.
  8. The communications materials used during the consultation will present information to a non-technical audience and careful thought will be given to ensuring that communications are designed to be appropriate for the specific audience.  All materials will be available on an engagement webpage on the Council website with some information available to view in designated public locations.
  9. It should be noted in this consultation stage, Officers are not presenting any design solutions.  The communication materials are intended to purely aid discussion with the purpose of the exercise to gather information from the public to either confirm analysis undertaken by the consultants or obtain new information that can be used to inform the objectives setting and early design strategy work. 
  10. Updates on the project, including outcomes of the consultations and recommended solutions will be included in a future report on the City Deal project element to a meeting of Council.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members Corporate Management Team Executive Officers HSCP Management Team Corporate Communications