Technical Notes 2022, Issue 159 - Climate Ready Park Project Update

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Climate Ready Park Project Update
Responsible Officer: 
Gillian Telfer, Greenspace & Streetscene Manager
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members regarding the Climate Ready Park Project at Etive and Woodhill Park, Bishopbriggs.
  2. Regrettably, following an extensive procurement process, the nominated contractor for the overall project has withdrawn and the timescales associated with the overall project are now unachievable.
  3. Unfortunately this impacts the external funding provided by European Regeneration Development Fund managed via NatureScot's Green Infrastructure Fund, which will now not be available to the Service due to the associated timescales (31st March 2023) being unachievable.
  4. The 40% funding application to the European Regeneration Development Fund managed via NatureScot's Green Infrastructure Fund equated to £306,942.
  5. It is obviously disappointing to miss this funding, but the timescales associated with recommencing the procurement process meant that this was not realistic.
  6. The Streetscene Technical Support and Flood Risk Team will work together to take forward the internally funded element of the project, but this will include recommencing the procurement process to take cognisance of the changes.
  7. This will include the Allotment Project and the Flood Mitigation Works.
  8. The Project Team will provide further updates as the project is developed and moves forward in 2023/24 and beyond.
Distribution List: 
Ward 5 Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications