Technical Notes 2022, Issue 151 - Lennoxtown Main Street Project

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Lennoxtown Main Street Project
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Polnick, Regeneration Officer - Regeneration and Town Centres, Land Planning and Development
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members on the Lennoxtown Main Street (‘the project’).

2. Updates on the project were provided previously in Report ref: PNCA/098/21/DG and it was anticipated that design and feasibility work would begin in financial year 2022/23.

3. The scope of the project includes: improvement to the physical appearance of Main Street; creation of attractive public spaces; creation of safe and desirable active travel links; improved access to public transportation; improved pedestrian safety and movement within Main Street; increased accessibility for all users; and improved road safety. Officers are currently procuring the necessary external consultants to undertake concept design and feasibility work.

4. The project is an action in the approved Lennoxtown Place Plan. Initial feasibility work, including some consultation, was undertaken on the project in 2019. Funding of £20,000 has been secured from Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT) to undertake further feasibility and design work. This work will refresh feasibility undertaken previously and help to develop the project. The deadline for SPT funding expenditure is 31 March 2023 and therefore officers will be targeting March 2023 for completion of the feasibility study and concept designs.

5. A range of consultation work will be undertaken to help inform project development. The first stage of community consultation will be carried out by Officers and will take place from late September to December 2022. 

6. This consultation will seek feedback from local residents and visitors on how they currently use the Main Street; as well as feedback on how they would like to use the Main Street in the future and overall aspirations for the village centre. This consultation work will be provided to consultants when appointed to better inform the concept design and feasibility work. 

7. The first stage of consultation will involve a mix of in-person interactive workshop events and online activities. The consultation will be aimed at a range of stakeholders, including: local schools, community groups, interest groups, residents and businesses. 

8. A second stage of consultation and information sharing will take place, supported by external consultants, to conclude the feasibility and concept design exercise.

9. Officers are continuing with efforts to identify sources of external funding to create a project budget for the detailed design and construction stages. The project is part of the recent UK Government Levelling Up Fund application that was submitted in July, an outcome on which is expected in the autumn.  

10. During the course of the project, further updates will be provided to Members via updates within HGIOS and further Technical Notes where required.

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team and Corporate Communications.