Technical Notes 2022, Issue 111 - ‘Re-Heat’ Project

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
‘Re-Heat’ Project
Responsible Officer: 
Sylvia Gray, Sustainability and Climate Change Officer
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to provide Members with an update in relation to the ‘Re-Heat’ project being delivered by officers in partnership with Scottish Power Energy Networks (SPEN) and energy supplier E.ON.

2. As set out in January in Technical Note TN-013-22, Re-Heat aims to accelerate deployment of low-carbon electrified heat at an efficient cost, ensuring that householders’ needs for warmth, comfort and efficiency are met whilst maintaining network reliability and security of supply. 

3. The scheme, which brings £1.019 million in external funding to East Dunbartonshire, will use air source heat pumps and thermal storage in conjunction with smart controls, in an effort to reduce peak demand on the electricity network and will allow greater use of wind energy.  

4. East Dunbartonshire Council is one of three Scottish local authorities piloting Re-Heat, which offers particular benefits to households which are off-gas and fuel-poor.  A variety of data sources have been used to identify priority dwellings to target; it is intended that approximately 50 households will be selected to participate in the scheme.

5. The initiative has already been locally promoted informally, with several applicants having come forward and one having passed the pre-qualification stage.  Formal communications are now beginning to be rolled out; E.ON are sending letters to targeted households and are planning to issue wider digital communications and to run an initial in-person community event in August.  The event will be held in Kirkintilloch due to the relatively high number of target households in this area. 

6. As the Council is working in partnership with E.ON, it has been agreed with the Communications and Engagement Team that the Council’s logo will be used on communications issued by E.ON, pending the team’s approval of each item. This is in line with the agreements that the other two local authorities have in place. Communications will also be issued directly from the Communications and Engagement Team, including information on the Council website and posts on social media.

7. The Council’s Sustainability Policy Team, Housing Investment Team and Communications and Engagement Team are the lead contacts.  Please contact Sylvia Gray (ext. 8655), should you wish to discuss the project.

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications