Technical Notes 2022, Issue 107 -Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan – Online Publication and Exhibition of the Plan

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets
TN Number: 
Bishopbriggs Public Realm Plan – Online Publication and Exhibition of the Plan
Responsible Officer: 
Heather Holland, Executive Officer – Land Planning & Development, 0141 578 8524
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared out with the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to update Elected Members on work associated with the Bishopbriggs Town Centre Public Realm Plan (the Plan) that is underway as part of the Council’s City Deal Project.  
  2. The Plan has been prepared following consultation and analysis of the town centre. The Plan concludes the first stage in establishing possible projects to improve the town centre environment.  It will be published for information along with an executive summary on the City Deal pages of the Council’s website. It sets out proposed conceptual changes that will be further developed through detailed design work and further consultation.
  3. The Plan is underpinned by the objectives and vision set out in the 2018 Bishopbriggs Town Centre Strategy, and supports work to develop options for physical changes in the town centre as part of the Council’s approved City Deal project. A comprehensive review of the existing public realm has been undertaken and an outline design concept detailing the overarching aspiration for Bishopbriggs Town Centre public realm has been produced.
  4. The Plan aims to give pedestrians, cyclists and public transport vehicles priority over cars, rework the existing public realm and deliver new public spaces thereby creating new opportunities for social interaction and play and help make the Town Centre a more active, inclusive and engaging place. Not only will this benefit the health and well-being of local people, but it is expected it will stimulate further economic investment and business growth within Bishopbriggs.
  5. The next steps will see the concept subject to a full and rigorous follow-on process that will include tasks such as detailed design, community and stakeholder engagement, and further site investigations. The A803 Kirkintilloch Road is the main artery running through the Town Centre, as such, the detailed design and feasibility process will be progressed in tandem with the A803 design works where the focus will be the reallocation of space within the road corridor through the Town Centre as well as measures to address traffic movement within the Town Centre.
  6. There will be no formal public consultation and engagement event until the next stage of the process, when a newly appointed design team commences the detailed design stage. However, to keep the public and Bishopbriggs community abreast of progress, officers will host an online exhibition that sets out the concept outlined in the Plan. The online exhibition shall be launched this month through a period of promotion over social media and the Council website.
  7. The communications materials used will present complex information to a non-technical audience and careful thought will be given to ensuring that communications are designed to be appropriate for the specific audience. All materials will be available on an engagement webpage on the Council website with some information available to view in designated public locations such as Bishopbriggs Library.
  8. The exhibition will run throughout the summer period and will close on 31st August 2022.
  9. Should anyone wish to comment or ask any questions, relevant details of the City Deal Officer responsible for Bishopbriggs Town Centre will be supplied.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications