Technical Notes 2021, Issue 42 - Introduction of Cashless Payment Option for Off-Street Charging Car Parks – ‘PayByPhone’

Report by: 
Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood & Corporate Assets
TN Number: 
Introduction of Cashless Payment Option for Off-Street Charging Car Parks – ‘PayByPhone’
Responsible Officer: 
Diane, Kane, Team Leader Community Safety, Community Protection
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1. The purpose of this technical note is to provide Members with an update in relation to the imminent introduction of a new cashless payment solution across the Council’s nine off-street charging car parks.

2. The new ‘PayByPhone’ service will be going live on Monday 24 May 2021. From this date, motorists will have an alternative means of paying for parking, in addition to the existing ‘Pay and Display’ machines. The new service means that motorists will no longer need to locate a machine, have coins or change, and display a ticket within their vehicle. Instead, they can simply use their mobile phone to pay for parking by quoting the unique Location Number of the car park.

3. Whilst plans to bring in a cashless payment option for parking were already being developed then the coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated the desire and need for a contactless payment method. It is envisaged that this new service will therefore be warmly welcomed by motorists and businesses alike. As well as making parking both easier and faster, the ability to pay via your phone will also help to encourage physical distancing and mean that fewer people need to queue at parking machines.

4. Motorists can register for ‘PayByPhone’ by downloading the app onto their mobile phones or by registering on the website. Once registered payments can be made in a number of ways – paying via the app, paying via the PayByPhone website, calling 0330 400 7275 or by texting 65565.

5. The ‘PayByPhone’ service includes optional text message reminders and receipts. The app also has a countdown timer to let motorists know how long they have been parked for, along with options to extend payment for parking sessions as required. 

6. The ‘PayByPhone’ web page provides further information and demonstration videos on how to use the app. PayByPhone have also developed a self-service support centre on the help section of their website.

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications