Technical Notes 2021, Issue 206 - Mugdock Strategy Consultation

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Mugdock Strategy Consultation
Responsible Officer: 
Mary Coulshed, Team Leader Mugdock
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to advise Members of the Mugdock Joint Management Committee (JMC) of the consultation process for developing the new Mugdock Strategy, 2022-2027.
  2. In order to inform the planning processes of Mugdock Country Park a new strategy was agreed at the JMC meeting of 19 Sept 2020 (PNCA 085/19/MC) and updated at the JMC meeting held on 17 March 2020 (PNCA/036/20/MC).
  3. The new strategy will pull together information relating to the land management, capital investment programme, business planning, asset development and marketing.
  4. At the JMC meeting held on 19 October 2021 (PNCA/086/21/MC) the Committee was updated on the appointment of Ironside Farrar to carry out this work.  Following a process of review and benchmarking the next step is to consult with both visitors to the Park and stakeholders.
  5. To achieve this a visitor survey will be carried out on-line through the EDC and Mugdock websites with face to face interviews also taking place. 
  6. For the stakeholder consultation a series of Teams meetings will be set up to discuss the main issues with a survey being completed following discussion.  The proposal is Thursday 16 December, 2pm-3pm; Friday 17 December, 10am-11am and Wednesday 12 January, 11am-12pm.
  7. The consultation questionnaire will be circulated to JMC members prior to the meetings being held.
Distribution List: 
All Members of Mugdock Park Committee, Corporate Management Team , Thomas McMenamin, Executive Officer – Roads & Environment, Mary Coulshed, Mugdock Park Manager, Kenny McFall, Audit Scotland, Marie McFadden, Audit Scotland, Peter Lindsay, Audit Scotland