Technical Notes 2021, Issue 18 - Opening of the New Oakburn Early Years Centre

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive–Education, People and Business
TN Number: 
Opening of the New Oakburn Early Years Centre
Responsible Officer: 
Greg Bremner, Education Officer, Education
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.
  1. The purpose of this technical note is to inform Elected Members of the handover and opening of Oakburn Early Years Centre (EYC).
  2. Following the handover of Oakburn EYC in Milngavie, staff have been working setting up the learning spaces.  Education have worked with Assets and Health and Safety to address a number of minor issues.
  3. The centre will open for children from Monday 10 May 2021. Some children are currently in neighbouring early years centres and will have the choice to remain at their existing placement or to begin the transition to the new centre ahead of 10 May 2021.
  4. Corporate Communications will promote the opening of centres to parents as detailed above.
  5. The new Lairdsland EYC is now being set up and there are minor issues which Assets are addressing. A date for opening to children will be communicated as soon as possible. Bearsden EYC is nearing completion. Further information will be communicated as soon as possible.
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications