Technical Notes 2021, Issue 131 - HGIOS indicators HOU-BIP-10 and HOU-BIP-11

Report by: 
Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets
TN Number: 
HGIOS indicators HOU-BIP-10 and HOU-BIP-11
Responsible Officer: 
Grant Mackintosh, Executive Officer – Housing
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1.         The purpose of this technical note is to provide a response to the queries regarding HOU-BIP-10 and HOU-BIP-11 from Housing Quarter 1 HGIOS report:


Number of cases waiting less than 3 years for permanent housing as % of the total number

20/21 Q4 figure – 99%

99% of cases waited less than 3 years and 1% of cases waited more than 3 years to be housed.

21/22 Q1 figure – 3% - This figure outlined non-compliance with the target and not compliance and therefore should have been 97%. For clarification:

  • 97% of cases waited less than 3 years and 3% of cases waited more than 3 years to be housed.
  • The status column should have shown green as the correct figure of 97% meets the required target. 
  • The comment should have read Q1 figure is within target.


Total number of accepted homeless cases

20/21 Q4 figure – 87

21/22 Q1 figure – 73

  • The quarterly target is 100 – the lower reported figure is positive as there have been less homeless applications within the quarter and the status should show green as we would want to see a lower number than expected if possible.


Pentana will be amended to show the amended figure in BIP 10 and comments and status will also be updated accordingly

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team and Corporate Communications