Technical Notes 2021, Issue 117 - Appeal against refusal of planning permission: Bearsden Golf Course (TP/ED/19/0067) DPEA issuing of Notice of Intention

Report by: 
Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive – Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets
TN Number: 
Appeal against refusal of planning permission: Bearsden Golf Course (TP/ED/19/0067) DPEA issuing of Notice of Intention
Responsible Officer: 
Laura McLetchie, Development Applications Manager
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Member. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1. The purpose of this Technical Note is to advise Councillors of the latest position with respect to the appeal relating to the site known as Bearsden Golf Course (TP/ED/19/0067) (DPEA ref PPA-200-2061)

Following the consideration of all submissions from the Planning Authority, the local community and the appellant the Planning & Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) have now issued a Notice of Intention (7 September 2021).  The Notice of Intention thoroughly considered the development and the reasons for the Planning Board’s refusal and explores the determining issues in terms of design and placemaking, Sustainable Transport, Air Quality, creating inclusive and sustainable communities, community facilities and open space, flood risk, historic environment and relevant material considerations

The Notice of Intention concluded that the DPEA is minded to allow the appeal and grant planning permission.

There is a requirement for a Section 75 Agreement to be prepared to secure:

  • the sum of £87,100 towards route corridor improvements to the A81 shall be paid to the council;
  • to allow for increased education capacity at St. Nicholas Primary School, the relevant secondary denominational school and Bearsden Academy a contribution of £263,737 shall be paid to the council;
  • the provision of affordable housing on the site must also be secured by the planning obligation;
  • to address the short fall in on-site openspace provision of £48,190 is required towards play space, and a further £20,770 is necessary towards openspace of neighbourhood importance or the green network; and
  • a contribution to allow works at Bearsden Cross to be undertaken, together with the provision of footway improvements in Thorn Road.

The Reporter has advised that he will defer determination for a period of 6 months to enable the relevant planning obligation to be completed.

Should members require any information please contact Laura McLetchie on 0141 578 8613 or Max Wilson on 0141 578 8637

2. Please see attached the following report:

  • DPEA Notice of Intention
Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, HSCP Management Team, Corporate Communications