Technical Note 2021, Issue 174 - Brookwood Villa – Project Update

Report by: 
Ann Davie, Depute Chief Executive
TN Number: 
Brookwood Villa – Project Update
Responsible Officer: 
Alan Bauer, Executive Officer – Assets & Facilities
This Technical Note will be published on the Council’s website following circulation to Members. Its contents may be disclosed or shared outwith the Council.

1.         The purpose of this technical note is to provide Elected Members with an update on the Brookwood Villa project. 

2.         In November 2019, Council instructed officers to progress the further development of design and cost proposals for the refurbishment of Brookwood Villa, Bearsden (report ref: PNCA-106-DG-19).  The report noted that HubWest Scotland were engaged via the Council’s Major Asset Projects team to prepare design and cost plans for the project via the same team responsible for the delivery of the neighbouring Early Years Facility on the site of the former Brookwood Library, Bearsden. 

3.         The intended procurement route for the project was for the works to be added as a variation to the Design & Build Delivery Agreement for the Early Years Facility, with the refurbishment of the Villa being undertaken by the same construction team and in parallel to the main works, with an anticipated completion date of around August 2020.   The report also noted that the new-build element of the project would be prioritised, based on the Council’s statutory requirement to deliver 1140 Hours of Early Years provision and that the refurbishment works would not proceed should they present a risk to the successful completion of this part of the project.

4.         From early 2020, the pandemic has had multiple implications for the project, not least the introduction of physical restrictions to construction which have affected the feasibility of operating two construction sites in close proximity to one another via the same project team; resource implications for various Council services and for those involved in the project team from third parties; and a significant delay to the completion of the Early Years Facility itself.

5.         The overall impact on the Brookwood Villa project has been that the project could no longer be instructed as a variation to the Early Years Facility and instead would effectively be managed and delivered as a standalone project, as advised to Council in the Revised 10 Year Capital Investment Plan 2021-2031, approved in February 2021 (report ref: PNCA-20-21-AB).

6.         Since then, the building warrant and planning consent for the project has been approved and preparations are now underway to tender for the appointment of a main contractor through HubWest Scotland.  A Stage 2 report will be brought to Council for approval advising of the contract offer sum and construction phase programme in early 2022 ahead of works commencing on site shortly thereafter.

7.         On a separate but related matter, officers can confirm that the coat of arms removed from Brookwood Library prior to demolition have been safely stored at Broomhill Depot and will be returned to Bearsden in due course.

Distribution List: 
All Elected Members, Corporate Management Team, Executive Officers, Corporate Communications and HSCP Management Team