Statutory Consultation on the Admissions and the Transfer of Pupils from Primary to Secondary Policy

The consultation on the Council’s schools admissions policy, including the transfer of East Dunbartonshire pupils from primary to secondary schools, is currently ongoing.

There has been a large volume of responses and a number of key issues have been raised. As a result the period for consultation has been extended until 10 January 2020.

Additional public meetings have been arranged for :

  • Tuesday 3 December at 6.30pm in St Ninian’s High School
  • Thursday 5 December at 6.30pm in Bearsden Academy

This will allow stakeholders to consider with officers the emerging issues and the additional information provided under the Frequently Asked Questions on the Consultation page of the Council

The following issues have emerged from the responses to date:

  • The need to review the application of distance criteria and to include the consideration of the length of time in attendance at the primary school as a separate criteria
  • The need to take into account local primary schools, where the associated secondary school is not within 5 miles
  • The number of places allocated within the Education Specialist Provision

The Council is currently in discussion with Education Scotland to agree the revised timetable. A report will then be prepared taking full account of the responses from the consultation.

The Council, as Education Authority is required to publish the report three weeks prior to it being submitted to Council for a final decision. The report, which will set out the final proposals, will be available on the Council’s website.

An interim report will be submitted to the Special Council meeting due to take place on 19 December which will detail the progress of the consultation to date, the key issue which have emerged from the consultation so far, an indication of any proposed revisals and the extended consultation timeline.

Responses to the consultation proposal can continue to be made using the online form and any questions should be sent to :

  • Consultation response available online or a paper copy:
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 0300-1234-510
  • Post: School Improvement Team, Southbank Marina, 12 Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, G66 1TJ