Time running out to help guide vital plan for East Dunbartonshire

Wednesday, 16 December, 2020

People are being invited to view and comment on a crucial document which - when adopted - will guide the future use of land in East Dunbartonshire.

The Proposed Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) sets out a new long-term land-use strategy for East Dunbartonshire - including policies and sites for development - which will be used to determine future planning applications.

The Proposed LDP2 reflects the Council’s desire to:

  • Create high-quality places for residents to live
  • Promote sustainable economic growth and the development of local town centres
  • Maximise tourism and business potential
  • Protect and enhance the quality of our local historic, natural and water environment.

Comments and representations on the plan can be made until Friday 15 January 2021.

You can access a copy of the Proposed LDP2, as well as other documents and details of how to get involved, by visiting www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/LDP2

Councillor Andrew Polson, Joint Leader of the Council, said, "Consultation on the Proposed LDP2 opened on 19 October 2020 and since then we have engaged with hundreds of people in East Dunbartonshire - including website visits, e-mails and online sessions. There's still time for you to get involved - visit the webpage or get in touch with the team. Your view counts."

Councillor Vaughan Moody, Joint Leader of the Council, added, "The LDP2 is crucial for the environment, economy and aspirations of East Dunbartonshire. When adopted it will guide the future use of land, set out development proposals and provide a framework for dealing with planning applications. I hope as many local residents and businesses as possible engage before the closing date."

The Council is encouraging the use of a representation form - available via the website - which has been specifically created for the consultation. However, representations submitted in other formats, such as e-mail and letter, will also be accepted.

Representations should be concise and limited to a maximum of approximately 2,000 words, as this will allow the Council to work through the responses efficiently and help contribute towards a speedy process.

Visit www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/LDP2 for details. You can also e-mail development.plan@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

If you do not have access to a computer, you can contact the Land Planning Policy team by calling 0300 123 4510 (9am-5pm, Mon to Fri).

The Proposed LDP2 was approved by Elected Members following a consultation process on the Main Issues Report in 2019 - which played a crucial role in the production of the draft plan

The current Local Development Plan remains the development plan in force until the LDP2 is adopted

If any representations remain unresolved, before the Council can adopt the Proposed LDP2 Scottish Ministers will appoint one or more Reporters to examine the Proposed Plan

Any Development Plan Examination will be advertised locally and those who made representations will be individually notified.

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