Residents invited to take part in Glasgow Airport flight path consultation

Thursday, 1 March, 2018

Residents of East Dunbartonshire are being invited to find out more about proposed changes to flights paths to and from Glasgow Airport and to make their views known.

Glasgow Airport launched a 13 week consultation period in January which will run until 13 April 2018. The consultation includes both the Modernising Our Flight Paths proposals and the Draft Noise Action Plan 2018 – 2023. The airport says that the changes are to address the rise in passenger numbers and airspace congestion.

As part of the consultation, five drop-in sessions are taking place across the wider Glasgow area, including one in Bearsden. Interested parties are encouraged to attend and offer their views.

Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive of East Dunbartonshire Council, said: “The Council is currently considering its response to the proposed changes to the flight path and the consultation will be considered at its upcoming Special Council meeting on 8 March.

“The Council would encourage residents to take this opportunity to get involved directly by attending the drop-in session hosted by Glasgow Airport in Bearsden.”

The Glasgow Airport drop in session will take place at Bearsden Community Hub on Friday 16 March from 10am to 7pm.

All views gathered during the consultation will be presented to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which regulates Glasgow Airport regulator, before the necessary approval for the changes can be granted.

For more information on the consultation process, visit

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