Remember to apply for EU Settlement Scheme

Friday, 11 October, 2019

An EU Exit update at the recent Council meeting reassured Councillors that plans were in place in East Dunbartonshire for the exit of Britain from the European Union.

Regular meetings with representatives from across key Council services take place to ensure that planning for the impact of exit from the European Union is underway.

Council Leader Vaughan Moody said, “We’re keen to remind any EU nationals living in East Dunbartonshire to ensure that they have registered with the EU Settlement Scheme.  Details are available on the Gov.UK website and there is also a link to this information from the Brexit pages of the Council’s website.”

Details of the EU Settlement scheme can be found at:

Council Leader Andrew Polson added, “There is also a wealth of information on the Council website for businesses, signposting them to invaluable resources to support their preparations for any impact as a result of Britain’s exit from the European Union.”  

Useful links for local businesses can be found on the Council website:


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