Public Information Meeting: Preparing for Refugee Arrivals

Friday, 17 March, 2017

An update on progress on the arrival of refugees and unaccompanied asylum seeking children to the area was provided to Council at its meeting last night (Thursday 16 March).

A public information meeting will be held on Thursday 30 March, 7pm in the new Bearsden Hall, to provide information on their imminent arrival in East Dunbartonshire.

In addition to an overview of the current Syrian crisis and the planning process Council and Community Planning Partners have been following to bring refugees and asylum seeking children to the area, there will be an opportunity to find out how the community can support the refugee arrivals in East Dunbartonshire.

Thomas Glen, Depute Chief Executive for Place, Neighbourhood and Corporate Assets explained, “Respecting the privacy and understanding the vulnerability of those coming to East Dunbartonshire is essential.  Whilst it is not appropriate to welcome our refugee arrivals with a fanfare, there is still plenty that the community can do in the background to support and sustain their arrival and integration into our communities.”

The information evening will include a presentation from Save the Children and an overview of the Syrian Resettlement Programme and the Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children Programme.  These are the schemes the Council and Partners are involved in to meet the Council’s commitment to locate refugees in this area.

To help plan for the event and gauge the level of interest, those who would like to come along are asked to register through Event Brite Registration is free. 


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