Council welcomes eight new Modern Apprentices

Friday, 26 August, 2016


For the fourth year in a row, East Dunbartonshire Council has welcomed a new intake of local young people embarking on its successful Modern Apprentice Programme.

The arrival of eight new Modern Apprentices brings the total number of Apprenticeships created by the Council to 35 since 2013.

The successful apprentices from Bearsden, Bishopbriggs, Kirkintilloch and Lennoxtown beat off more than 80 other candidates to secure their place in six Council teams. They will take part in a two year programme and have opted for careers in the following service areas:

  •  Accountancy (1)
  •  Business Administration  (3)
  •  Early Years (1)
  •  Health & Social Care (1)
  •  ICT (1)
  •  Procurement (1)

Council Leader Rhondda Geekie met the new recruits and said, “I’d like to congratulate these young people on their success in winning a place on our Apprenticeship Programme which continues to grow in popularity. Increasingly, school leavers are considering this career path as opposed to taking up a full-time college or university place.

“I am delighted and very proud that we are able to continue to offer this option for young people as it is a very solid career choice with a proven record of success.

“Over the years we have helped young people in the fields of horticulture, customer services, construction management and various building trades.”

Reece from Kirkintilloch is one of the new Modern Apprentices joining the accountancy team. He said, “I was set to go to university and had received offers, but I wanted the chance to get practical experience. Knowing that I was starting this programme and was sorted actually made me look forward to the exam results coming out. I’m looking forward to gaining qualifications and a job at the end of it.”

Former Boclair Academy pupil Rowan is one of three apprentices in business administration and can’t wait to get settled in her post. She said, “I left school in 2014 but wasn’t certain what I wanted to do. I’d been to college and got a job but I saw this apprenticeship as a fresh start, doing something I could see leading to the kind of career I’d like.”

Kirkintilloch resident Ashley has her sights set on a career in Early Years and said, “I’m really excited about starting as a Modern Apprentice. I had a full time job doing something else when I applied for this, but as all of my work experience is in Early Years, I decided that I preferred that.

“I had been accepted for college, but decided that an apprenticeship was more suited to me, as I like the idea of learning while you work and gaining practical experience.”

Over the years, the Programme has attracted significant positive attention. Notably, Allan Campbell, an Apprentice Electrician in the second year of his apprenticeship, was runner up last year in the Scottish and UK APSE Housing and Building Maintenance Apprentice of the Year Awards.

Also last year, the Council was runner up at the Microsoft Modern Apprentice of the Year Awards in the Apprentice Employer of the Year category.

Councillor Geekie said, “Allan has worked hard and deserved the recognition he has had. He is typical of the type of enthusiastic and driven young people we are taking on. Thanks to the professional support they receive from Council Officers and their colleagues they are thriving in their roles and giving themselves the very best chance of a successful future.”

Local employers interested in finding out more about starting a Modern Apprenticeship Programme or other employability scheme can contact the Council’s Skills for Learning, Life & Work Team on 0300 123 4510 for information, professional advice and support.


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