This consultation ended on 27 June 2023.
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey. All the responses were analysed and helped to inform the ongoing process to create LDP3. A report was considered and approved at a meeting of East Dunbartonshire Council on 28 September 2023. A copy of the report to Council is available to read/download (link opens in new window).
East Dunbartonshire Council is about to begin work on its next Local Development Plan (LDP3).
Simply put, an LDP sets out a long-term vision for where development should and shouldn't happen. Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) webpage (link opens in new window) for more information or watch the video (external link opens in new window).
Development Plan Scheme and the Draft Participation Statement
The Council is asking communities and stakeholders how they would like to be consulted in the process of preparing LDP3. The Council's Draft Participation Statement sets out proposed ways for stakeholders to be engaged at various stages. The Draft Participation Statement is part of the overall Development Plan Scheme – which sets out a work programme for delivery of LDP3.
Give us your views
Have your say at this stage between Tuesday 16 May and Tuesday 27 June 2023. You can access full background and information via our StoryMap (external link opens in new window).
Paper copies of the document are also available to view in local libraries and/or via the contact details below.
In addition to the online survey, comments can also be provided by:
- Email to
- Post to Land Planning Policy, Southbank House, Strathkelvin Place, Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire, G66 1XQ
Come along to an information session/presentation
To learn more about LDP3 and the Draft Participation Statement please join us at one of the following information sessions/presentations. Please email to reserve your place:
- Bishopbriggs War Memorial Hall (Balmuildy Road, Bishopbriggs G64 3BX) – Thursday 8 June – 6.30-8pm
- Bearsden Hall (above Bearsden Community Hub - 69 Drymen Road, Bearsden G61 3QT) – Monday 12 June – 7.15-8.45pm
- Online (link will be supplied in advance) – Wednesday 21 June – 5pm-6.30pm
Each session will cover:
- The Changing Planning System – how recent changes to Scotland’s planning system affects the process for preparing the plan and how LDP3 will differ from LDP2.
- The Development Plan Scheme and Draft Participation Statement – an overview of the process and timetable to prepare LDP3 (including proposed engagement methods, for which comments and suggestions are being sought).
- Local Place Plans – an overview of a new provision in the planning system that allows and encourages communities to prepare a Local Place Plan for their area.
Local Place Plans
Recent changes to the planning system in Scotland aim to empower communities and strengthen links between citizens, communities and the planning system. That includes the introduction of Local Place Plans – a way for communities to highlight issues, suggest ideas and outline aspirations for their areas. Visit our Local Place Plans information page for more information (link opens in new window).
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey. All the responses were analysed and helped to inform the ongoing process to create LDP3. A report was considered and approved at a meeting of East Dunbartonshire Council on 28 September 2023. A copy of the report to Council is available to read/download (link opens in new window).