Health Visitor Services

Health Visitors Services in East Dunbartonshire

The health visiting team provides a universal pathway to all families from antenatal to pre-school. The Pathway is based on several underlying principles. These are:

  • Promoting, supporting and safeguarding the wellbeing of children
  • Person-centeredness
  • Building strong relationships from pregnancy
  • Offering support during the early weeks and planning future contacts with families

It is UNICEF baby friendly accredited. The children and families team consists of:

  • Health Visitors
  • Nursery Nurses
  • Health Care Support Workers
  • Dental Health Support Workers

The health visiting team works closely with families and a wider primary care team, such as GPs, midwives, speech and language therapists, health promotion teams, school nurses, district nurses, specialist children’s services and the voluntary sector.

How to access the service:

Your health visiting team can be contacted by phoning the numbers above or via your GP surgery. 

Child Smile:

Dental Health Support Workers can provide support in promoting dental health and Child Smile programme.

Birth to 5 Years Groups

The Birth to 5 Years Groups offers a chance to meet other parents and carers to chat, share experiences and exchange suggestions. It also provides you with the opportunity to speak with a member of the Children and Families Team to discuss any questions you may have. 


First Steps Group 5 week programme to promote baby massage and linking parents into local resources.

‘Enjoy your baby’ Group is an evidence-based programme for the management of stress, anxiety and depression for mothers experiencing mild to moderate mental health challenges in the postnatal period (up to 1 year postnatal initially).  The programme consists of 5 weekly sessions and can be delivered on a group or 1:1 basis dependent on the needs of the mother.  Referral by Health Visitor into the group.

The programme will promote an early intervention, reducing the risk of deterioration using a recovery based model of person centred care taking account of the women’s needs and that of her infant, partner and family.

NCT Baby Café
Monday mornings
Hillhead Community Centre

Healthy start to Best Start.

Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods are payments that help towards the costs of being pregnant or looking after a child.