Social Support Strategy for Older People 2023-2028 Consultation

Following a period of engagement with all stakeholders during October to December 2021, including options appraisal discussions sessions during March to May 2022, East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) has developed a five year draft Strategy. The Strategy outlines the HSCP’s plans for the development and provision, in partnership with third sector organisations, of informal and formal social support opportunities for older people living in East Dunbartonshire.

On 30th June 2022, the HSCP Board approved the content of the draft Strategy and authorised that the content be shared with all key stakeholders for consultation and comments.

The Strategy details the HSCP’s plans, and the accompanying appendices document provides enhanced details regarding demographics, engagement analysis and proposed options considered during the options appraisal activities.

If you would like to comment on the draft Strategy please contact

Alternatively you can telephone Kelly Gainty on 0141 777 3300.

The Consultation will end on Wednesday 31st August 2022.