Communications and Engagement Strategy (2024-29)
The East Dunbartonshire Integration Joint Board (IJB) at its meeting on 27 June, 2024 approved the Communication and Engagement Strategy (2024-29) and plan for the HSCP and it provides clear and consistent approaches to communication and engagement, with our patients, service users, carers and stakeholders across East Dunbartonshire.
East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is committed to working with the people of East Dunbartonshire to ensure health and social care services are appropriate to the needs of our communities.
The Communication and Engagement Strategy (2024-29) will aid the HSCP during this time of conflicting priorities and ensures that as many people as possible can be involved and actively engaged in the planning, design and development of health and social care services in East Dunbartonshire. The Communication and Engagement Strategy (2024-29) also outlines how effective communication and engagement can help the HSCP achieve its strategic vision.
‘Caring together to make a positive difference’
The HSCP’s communication and engagement objectives, standards and principles apply to all HSCP staff in their communication and engagement activity, both internal and external.
East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership’s (HSCP); Public, Service User and Carer (PSUC) Representatives Group
The East Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP), work with the East Dunbartonshire Public, Service User and Carer (PSUC) representatives group to provide the people of East Dunbartonshire with a voice in the planning, development and review of health and social care services.
The PSUC group receive service updates and presentations from staff and health professionals and actively participate in health and social care projects and consultations.
Each new PSUC member is given a full induction, on-going training and all out-of-pocket expenses will be covered.
If you would like to join or just to know more about the PSUC group, then please email: