Sandyford Clinic
Sandyford provides sexual health services to East Dunbartonshire and the whole of Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Visit Sandyford to find local services and information on sexual health, monkeypox, relationships, contraception and reproductive health.
If you are over 18 years old please visit Sexual Health Services for information on what local services are available and how to book an appointment. Appointments can be made by phoning Sandyford on 0141 211 8130 or on the Online Booking System for Sexual Health
Gay & Bisexual Men
Visit Gay & Bisexual Men to access information on local services and how to book an appointment.
Young People (13-17 years old)
Visit Young People @ Sandyford for information on sexual health and relationships, as well as local Young People’s Clinics and how to book an appointment.
Free Condoms
Visit Free Condoms to find out how to get free condoms.
Visit Parents@Sandyford to help you with stuff about growing up, speaking about consent, staying safe online, and sexual health and wellbeing.