Employee News 2024, Issue 2 - Smart Working: Desk booking system and change to Resource booking process (rooms, pool cars and bikes)

To further support employees while working in our offices, we are introducing a desk booking system and changing the way we currently book meeting rooms, pool cars and pool bikes.

Desk Booking

Currently, if you wish to work from an office building you are asked to contact your Line Manager who will ensure there are enough seats within your allocated zone and building.

From 19 February if you wish to work from an office, you will need to book a desk on Microsoft Outlook using ‘room finder’. A step-by-step guide on how to do this has been published to the M365 Adoption Hub.

Please note, if there is no availability within your dedicated zone, break out areas can be used in Southbank House and Southbank Marina F1.

Please refer to the Adoption Hub to view the map which shows the locations of the breakout areas - these are identified in orange.

As a reminder, we have also included a breakdown for each building, zone and team location to the Adoption Hub.

Meeting Rooms/Pool cars and bikes

At present, room bookings, pool car and pool bike bookings are made using Microsoft Teams.

From Monday 19 February if you wish to book a room, pool car or bike, you will need to do this in Outlook using ‘room finder’. A step-by-step guide on how to do this has been published to the M365 Adoption Hub

Please note, all existing bookings will be automatically transferred to the new system.

For pool cars, this change ONLY affects the booking of pool cars based at Broomhill, Hilton Depot, Southbank and selected cars at KHCC.

The existing arrangements in place for pool cars based at William Patrick Library, Southbank House (selected cars), Allander and KHCC remain unchanged.

Before anyone can book a pool bike you must complete a short bike safety training session which you can access by emailing PoolBikeBookings@eastdunbarton.gov.uk Similarly to use a pool car, please contact the Fleet team for more information.

The bikes are kept at two stores: one across from Southbank Marina and the other at Broomhill.

If you have any problems when trying to book any of the above, please refer to the Adoption Hub first and if your issue persists contact the M365 team on M365migration@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Thank you,

Ann Davie

Chief Executive