Employee News 2022, Issue 36 - Launch of our Digital Champion Programme

We launched Microsoft Teams back in 2020 to let us carry out online meetings in response to the COVID pandemic. Teams, which we updated recently, is part of the wider Microsoft 365 toolkit which we plan to introduce across the Council as part of our Smart Working for the Future plans.

We are now launching our Digital Champion Programme to help support the roll out of the next phase of our Microsoft 365 transition. This will see us move from our current IBM Notes email provision to Microsoft Outlook in the New Year. At the same time, we will update to the new suite of Microsoft Office tools, including the latest versions of Word, Excel and Powerpoint. 

The move to Outlook is a significant change - and with more new tools being introduced in 2023 and beyond we are looking for volunteers to become Digital Champions. This will involve helping to support the teams in your service area with the new technology and the new ways of working.

This is a great opportunity for those of you who either already have experience of Microsoft 365 or are enthusiastic about the digital technology and tools we use in our day-to-day roles.

For more information, and to help you decide if this role is for you, we have produced a Digital Champion Information Guide which is available in the Smart Working section of our Employee Zone.

If you are interested in this role, you should speak to your line manager and then complete this note of interest form by Wednesday 21 December. We will then confirm with Executive Officers a number of Digital Champions across each of their service areas. When we return after the Christmas and New Year break, we will let you know if you have been successful.

The summary timeline for starting the programme is as follows:

12-21 December      Notes of interest period

22 December            EO’s confirm Digital Champions for their service area

5 January 2023        Digital Champions advised of their success

12 January 2023      Initial workshop for Digital Champions

If you have any questions and would like a chat with someone before you note your interest, then please email Elaine.Kennedy@eastdunbarton.gov.uk or Leanne.Rea@eastdunbarton.gov.uk

Thank you

Ann Davie
Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business