Employee News 2021, Issue 55 - Christmas and Festive Season Guidance

As we approach the Christmas and New Year holidays, when we may want to catch up with family and friends, we are again reminded to make sure we are following all the guidance to keep ourselves and our families safe.

The guidance for the hospitality sector has not changed and we are asked to ensure we follow track and trace requirements and to wear face coverings when moving through hospitality establishments and to regularly use hand sanitiser.

We would encourage you to ensure you follow all these measures if you are meeting up with your work colleagues in the coming weeks for festive lunches or catch-ups.

The guidance is that if we are meeting up with vulnerable family members, we reduce our social interactions ahead of this, and that we test regularly with the rapid Lateral Flow testing kits which are readily available for those who do not have symptoms.

If you do develop symptoms, you must immediately self-isolate and book a PCR test. You can do this on the NHS Inform website where you will also find the latest guidance in relation to isolating for you and your household.

Wishing you all a happy and safe Christmas season and hope you and your families take care and stay safe.

Thank you

Ann Davie

Depute Chief Executive

Thursday 9 December 2021