Employee News 2020, Issue 88 - Update: Schools & Early Years Reopening in January 2021

The Scottish Government has published more guidance on the arrangements for reopening of schools and early years centres in January:

Scottish Government guidance on arrangements for reopenin [opens in a new window].

In line with this guidance, the Council has received approval from the Scottish Government for one day’s exceptional closure. This will allow staff to prepare for the safe opening of schools and the return of vulnerable children and the children of key workers.

Extended Early Years Centres will now open on Tuesday 5 January for staff only 

  • Arrangements will be put in place for children of key workers and those children who are identified as vulnerable to return on Wednesday 6 January. These children will continue to attend week beginning 11 January.

Schools will now open on Wednesday 6 January for staff only 

  • Children of key workers and children identified as vulnerable will be able to attend school for childcare and wellbeing on Thursday 7 and Friday 8 January.
  • All other children will be on an extended holiday until Monday 11 January.
  • From Monday 11 January, the programme will move to remote learning and teaching for those not in school.

Children of Key Workers

  • Arrangements for key worker provision, including details of how to apply, will be provided on Wednesday 23 December. This will include the criteria being used to allocate places.  

Vulnerable Children

  • Vulnerable children will be identified by schools and early years centres. This will include all children who attend Campsie View and Merkland Schools.

Further information will be available on Wednesday 23 December 2020.

Thank you

Ann Davie
Depute Chief Executive – Education, People & Business

Tuesday 22 December 2020