Employee News 2020, Issue 79 - Have a Safe and Healthy Christmas

This year’s Christmas Elf & Safety Advice booklet has been updated and is now available on the Employee Zone of the Council's website.

The Healthy Working Lives Team, made up of Council and Health and Social Care employees, produces this booklet annually to help support you to have a safer and healthier Christmas and New Year. 

It’s packed full of practical information and advice on all things festive – from food safety and alcohol to health & wellbeing and safe winter driving.

This year’s version is particularly different, reflecting the impact of COVID and providing additional web links to access guidance and helpful websites.

Health and Safety Campaigns.

Please take a moment to have a look through the top tips within the booklet and feel free to share them with your friends and family. We want everyone to have a safe and enjoyable Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.

Many thanks,


Pauline Halligan
Executive Officer – Organisational Transformation

2 December 2020