Customer and Business Services Improvement Actions


Business Continuity Planning

Original Due Date



Working across all services to co-ordinate up to date business continuity plans which are consistent, robust and compliment the partnership plans in place at a regional and local level 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Prevention and early intervention


The Council has been operating an effective business continuity approach throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and as recovery progresses a review of business continuity plans in line with new operating arrangements post-pandemic is required. 



Develop and implement an engagement framework for CPP and Council

Original Due Date



Work with the Community Planning Partnership to develop a framework for engagement that is representative of the demographics of the area with appropriate outreach approaches to ensure participation across all representative groups 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Coproduction and engagement


Effective and meaningful engagement with our communities is a key priority for the Council, an area wide framework developed in conjunction with our community planning partners should ensure a holistic approach to engagement across East Dunbartonshire and benefit from the shared knowledge and resources of the CPP



Implement an annual household survey

Original Due Date



Increase customer satisfaction data 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Coproduction and engagement


The national household survey reporting through the LGBF has a limited sample size and resulting dataset for East Dunbartonshire. By introducing an annual survey locally with a question set agreed by CPP and Council, baseline data from year 1 and then annual data will be available to inform service priorities and developments 



Improvement in Accessibility across all communications

Original Due Date



Create an Accessibility working group within the Communications & Engagement team to gain additional knowledge and expertise to ensure Accessibility standards are consistently maintained and improved in Council, EDLC Trust and HSCP websites.

Ensure good practice is followed and stay informed of new elements of Accessibility across website content, social media, design and written communication.

Work closely with services to reduce creation of large documents in favour of other formats such as webpages and videos.

Continue to explore new ways of communication information in an accessible, inclusive format that is easy to understand and fits the needs of the local community.

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Fair and equitable services


Desire and requirement to meet the standards outlined in the Public Sector Bodies (Website and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. Improve the user experience for residents and provide inclusive communications that benefit all residents. 



Improvement in Consultation & Engagement Reporting

Original Due Date



Continue to work closely with services to support the promotion and reporting of consultation activity.

Using the Consultation and Engagement guidance as a foundation to continue to develop our consultation and engagement output even further with continued better planning, exploring new ways of engaging (especially with hard to reach communities) and more transparent post-consultation reporting to better highlight We Asked, You Said, We Did principles. 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Coproduction and engagement


Desire to increase consultation engagement and ensure residents feel listened to in order to achieve the principles and aims of the Community Engagement Act. 



Improve connectivity across the Council’s Wide Area Network

Original Due Date



Review and upgrade the provision of bandwidth and wi-fi connectivity across Council premises and schools to provide enhanced services for EDC employees, pupils and residents.

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Our people are equipped with knowledge and skills for learning, life and work.


Improve digital connectivity and deliver greater network bandwidth to meet the increased demands 



Migration of ICT systems to Microsoft M365

Original Due Date



ICT Services will continue to support the Business and Digital Change Team in the implementation of Microsoft M365 including implementing new collaboration software, the migration of email and supporting infrastructure from on premise to cloud based services. 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Best value


Modernise collaboration suite including email, office suite and file storage solutions to improve SMART working and support new hybrid workstyles. 



Review the Council’s ICT Security policies and controls

Original Due Date



Review ICT Security policies and controls in line with latest guidance from National Cyber Security Centre. The rereview will help ensure that security measures are maintained and updated to mitigate against cyber security risks. The new policies will take into account updated technologies and new work styles to further secure the Council’s data and information systems. 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Best value


Aligned with best practice ICT service delivery, Internal Audit Actions and National Cyber Security Initiatives. 



Implement service level agreements (SLAs) for Shared Services

Original Due Date



Develop and implement internal service level agreements for support to other Council services 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Best value


Improved management and more effective service delivery in line with Internal Audit review. 



Improve Free School Meal and Clothing Application Process

Original Due Date

31-May 2023


Review the application and payment processes for Free School Meals and Clothing Grants to ensure families receive grants quicker to support them during the cost of living crisis. 

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Our children and young people are safe, healthy and ready to learn


Provide a better service to families at a time of increased expense. 



Review of Letting Policy

Original Due Date

31-July 2023


Review the current Letting Policy to ensure that it balances the demands of stakeholders.  This will include review of pricing, availability and community benefits to ensure that the policy reflects the current economic environment.

Link to LOIP Outcome or Guiding Principle

Our people experience good physical and mental health and wellbeing with access to a quality built and natural environment in which to lead healthier and more active lifestyles


Provide opportunities for all community groups to access Community facilities. 



Corporate Risk Management

Original Due Date



Review of Service level risk registers to reflect current Risk profiles 

Link to LOIP

Prevention and early intervention


The Council has an existing risk management strategy and structure that requires to be reviewed to ensure that it continues to demonstrate best practice.